Samarinda, E Kalimantan (ANTARA News) - Kyushu Economic Federation that groups 970 big companies in Japan, wants to build a smart city in the regency of Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan.
Head of the regional capital investment and promotion board (BPMPD) of Kutai Kartanegara Bambang Arwanto said here on Sunday that the Indonesian chamber of commerce and industry (Kadin) would form a consortium of domestic and foreign companies to build the Smart City and Loa Kulu airport.
"Discussions on investment cooperation between Kyushu Economic Federation and Kadin Indonesia was held at Fukoka on February 10 in 2015 to be followed with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two sides," Bambang Arwanto stated.
The investment cooperation between Kadin and Kyusu Economic Federation is in the Smart City and Loa Kulu airport projects, Bambang said.
He said Kyushu Economic Federation plans to help Kadin as partner in planning and build the project, he added.
"Discussion on the investment cooperation was attended by Kutai Kartanegara regent Rita Widyasari and Kadin official Zulnahar Usman. Kyusu Economic Federation chairman Mr Yutaka Aso expressed enthusiasm when hearing details of the projects from the regent," he said.
"The Smart City and the Loa Kulu airport would be built through investment cooperation in the private sector. Therefore, it uses no fund from the state budget," he said .
Smart City is a city model to be built around the Loa Kulu airport in synergy with the infrastructure of the city of Tenggarong, the municipal city of Kutai Kartanegara regency.
"The Smart City in Kutai Kartanegara will be the first city model in Indonesia planned by Kadin Indonesia in cooperation with a number of consortiums of companies and the Kutai Kartanegara district administration," Bambang Arwanto said.
The ground breaking and the launch of the Smart City and Loa Kulu airport project would take place in March, 20915, he said.
"They Kyushu and Kadin will first build a power generating plant needed by the project as a self supporting city," he said.
In addition to meeting Kyusu Economic Federation, a team of Kadin and the Kutai Kartanegara administration visited the city of Kitakyushu, where the city mayor opened the opportunity to cooperate in managing "Ecotown" or city of recycling industry in Kutai Kartanegara.
"In his speech Kenji Kitahashi, the Mayor of Ktakyhusu City said he welcomes the visit of the delegation of Kadin Indonesia and the Kutai Kartanegara administration in managing the Ecotown," he said.
In the meeting, the delegation of the Kutai Kartanegara district administration studied how Kitakyusu grew from a dirty town into one of the cleanest cities in Japan by processing garbage into feedstock of recycling industry.
"There are a lot that could be learned from the city, where the people have to pay for the service to dispose of garbage at recycling factories," he said.
People found violating the regulation would be heavily fined, therefore, the regulation is effective in developing recycling industry, he said.
"If in other places garbage is recycled to generate energy , in this city all garbage has industrial value . Kadin will be able to facilitate communications with Kitakyushu City to follow up talks on the Ecotown," Bambang Arwanto said. (*)